Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Well that didn't work

The College of Electors failed to save us, proving that no matter how smart the founding fathers may have been, they were unable to truly comprehend the insanity of the American people. And that is saying something considering the founding of the country owes rather a lot to a bunch of drunken woodsmen deciding it would be funny to steal a shitload of cannons from a British fort.

So barring Obama declaring martial law and suspending elections, which I sort of half hope happens, we must resign ourselves to four years of The Toddler and the most blatant corruption we have ever seen out of a major world power, and yes, I say that knowing full well what various major world powers got up to in the last couple of centuries or so.

I think, well I think that in the end things might end up better than they were, oh certainly not during the next administration, Cheeto Hitler and his supporting cast are going to do their best to ruin things for everyone, and though they will be opposed at every turn, they will succeed at some stuff, but to paraphrase Winston Churchill, Americans tend to wait until we have exercised every other option before doing the right thing, and I think The Toddler may just be the last option before we as a country decide to try not being insane for a while.

That really isn't a whole lot of consolation for those who will suffer during that time though.

I am not really a source of hopefulness and light am I, but it is late, and rainy, and I am strongly leaning towards the idea that my country doesn't deserve the efforts of good people anymore.

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