Monday, December 19, 2016

The last hope

For some reason last week was full of people mentioning their unpopular opinions, the reason why this was happening escapes me, but I never did one of my own so here we go:

Paranormal Activity is an awful, stupid, movie. Also all of it's sequels are bad too. I cannot believe that this franchise apparently grabbed the imagination of millions the world over based on one creepy scene at the very end of a movie where literally nothing happens. But I can't also believe that we elected Cheeto Hitler either, so there we are.
I believe these two problems are linked, though the details elude me.

With that segue in hand we are almost to the time when the last legal obstacle to The Toddler becoming our dictator for life (our lives, so 3-6 months. Tomorrow evening is when the College of Electors meets and officially casts their vote for President of the United States of America, yes it all comes down to unelected officials meeting to decide whether or not to respect democracy or follow the rules.

Now strangely, for the most part following the rules, and respecting democracy have been about the same thing up until recently, the winner of the popular vote has been the winner of the electoral college vote almost exclusively until George W got in. So now the Electors actually have a real choice between the law and justice, although justice is also the law if we go by what the College was set up for.
It gets confusing and my guess is we will see a surprising number of faithless electors either cast no vote, or switch to Clinton, however it will not be near enough to swing the election and we must resign ourselves to a thousand years of darkness.

The Electors role as the last failsafe to prevent a dictator or incompetent from leading this country has long been something that was not really emphasized and the idea that they even have the choice (some of them) to change their vote is also not really talked about much, or wasn't up until the last few weeks anyway. What this means is that the Electors themselves are not used to thinking in terms of responsibly deciding who gets power, and as a culture we aren't used to the idea that this might be a good idea. So the members of the College are probably just going to vote with how their states vote, because that is what they have been taught is what they should do.

And the thing is, up until now I probably wouldn't have had a problem with it, it took someone like The Toddler to show just how that system doesn't work and that saddens me.

What I am saying is, my hopes are not high for the second American Civil War to kick off tomorrow night, and make no mistake if the Electors select Clinton that is precisely what will happen, to what extent I don't know, but shit would go down for real if that happened.

It's fun to fantasize I guess, but rather than a fiery shakeup of some of our oldest institutions accompanied by appalling bloodshed, we are probably going to have a dreary slog through a few years, possibly still accompanied by appalling bloodshed.

So there is that to look forward to.

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