Monday, November 7, 2016

Tip your servers you assholes!

Today is for venting about customers.

I show up at work a little bit early today and the manager on duty is just getting off of the phone, she tells me that a group of twenty five people were told by the restaurant that they wanted to visit initially that it would be an hour and a half before they could be seated and could we accommodate them on five minutes notice?
Naturally the answer was yes and I clocked in a little bit early to help set up tables and get stuff prepped, things went entirely smoothly and they ended up spending about two hundred dollars or so on pizza and drinks.

And gave us exactly zero dollars in tips.

You motherfuckers, we literally saved your gathering at short notice, we rearranged our entire dining room to make your seating as convenient as possible, we did it all during our normal lunch rush, and you couldn't find it in yourself to recognize that? We barely even got a thank you for fucks sake. Screw you I hope you get apocalyptic diarrhea and have to spend time in the hospital to get treated for dehydration.

This was somewhat offset by the family of seven that tipped fifteen bucks on a sixty dollar order a bit later, which is nice, they know what's up.

Then there was the asshole who comes in thirty minutes before closing, sits around and waits until ten minutes before we close to order, then hangs out until forty five minutes after closing to leave. Who the fuck does that? He knew we were closed! You know how he knew? I fucking told him! There are parts of the closing process we cannot do with customers in the store, not least of which is finishing the dishes because he is still using his. this asshat personally made life harder for three people, two of which were paying for child care to be working that night, all because he wanted to finish watching something on his laptop.

Maybe he had nowhere else to go, maybe he has a bad home life or no home at all, I don't actually care at this point. I have labor costs to consider and drivers who need to get home so they can send the babysitter home.
It probably goes without saying that he didn't tip either, why would he? We obviously barely register as people to him.

Fucking tip your servers people, they deserve it because for every one like the family I mentioned above that overtipped, there are at least two like the other groups I mentioned.

I am not even that mad on my behalf, I make an almost acceptable wage, but my drivers don't and the average employee you encounter at a full or half service restaurant doesn't, they need those tips because when childcare costs ten bucks an hour and you make ten bucks an hour it doesn't exactly allow for a lot of saving. They work hard so you can have a relaxing night and are not compensated enough for it virtually anywhere, fucking show some element of human decency and follow one of the few cultural rules that actually is a benefit to someone.

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