Tuesday, November 8, 2016

One last thing before we go.

Here we are at the end of things, polls closed in a few New Hampshire towns, Clinton won Dixxville Notch 4-2, but lost most of the other shitty little places that vote early as hell because that is the only thing they can think of to get attention.

Tomorrow serious stuff happens, there will be tears, so many, and there will be joy.

Tomorrow we elect the first female president of the United States, women have had the vote for 96 years and are slightly over half the population, but we in the USA decided we would rather elect a black man first, not to say that was a bad thing, but it says something about our culture when as a country we would rather elect someone who was literally considered property not too long ago rather than a woman. I don't know if it is progress in racial equality, or just misogyny, but it says something about us that I don't think we should be too proud of.

Except screw all that, we should be proud, despite everything the right thing is going to happen, the glass ceiling will shatter and, kicking and screaming, the country moves forward.

Consider this, if Clinton wins, and gets a second term, then in 2024 the youngest voting generation will have no memory of living in a country with a white man as president. That will be normal for an entire generation, women and black men holding the highest office in the country. Yes those years were and will be filled with controversy and brutal infighting, but at the end of the day young men and women will look at the last couple decades and see that gender and skin color are not reasons you can't be president.

No life won't be perfect, but what the hell is? We make it better a little bit at a time.

Join me tomorrow in celebrating that as we watch the world change.

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