Sunday, November 6, 2016

It's going to be alright, soon this will all be over.

It's true! Three short days until, one way or another, the suffering ends. It has been roughly twenty months of campaigning if you count from the first Republican candidates announcement(Ted Cruz, March 23, 2015), nearly two years of the worst people in America being front and center, their ideas and words talked about and weighed as if they had value and deep meaning, their current flailings and previous indiscretions ignored or weighed against an email scandal and found to be equivalent at worst.

One by one they fell, and hands down the worst remains. He too shall fall and the healing can begin.

I want everyone to take a deep breath, if you are following polls you should stop, if you haven't voted go and do that, but seriously, ignore the polls at this time, stop reading articles that include lines like "with the race tightening" or "Narrow lead for..." They are meaningless drivel and are the last desperate attempts of the major news media trying to grab eyes and clicks before the cash cow goes away.

Here's what you need to know.

Hillary Clinton is going to win.
Republicans are going to lose the senate
Democrats are probably not going to win the house.

I still hold to my prediction of a 400+EV victory for Clinton, although I do acknowledge being in the minority here. But even if I am wrong, it still means she wins, the reality is demographics and the results of early voting pretty much give Trump an impossible path to victory, in Nevada for example, the Democrats have something north of a 60,000 vote lead and the idea that the Republicans will make that up on election day is unlikely to say the least, if they had that kind of support they wouldn't be down by this much in the first place. And without Nevada, Trump does not have a realistic path to 270.

That's just one example, Florida is another, harder to parse, but likely in the Dems pocket at this point, this is due to a large pile of unaffiliated ballots coming in combined with a huge, and I mean huge, spike in registration by Latinos, a demographic that we all know Trump does not have a good shot with.

The only dark spot is Iowa, and that isn't out of reach by any means.

And that is the difference, you can read articles talking about how the race is tightening, and yes according to the polls it is, but the polls at this stage are unreliable and inaccurate for a number of reasons, the race always tightens as we get down to the wire and the undecideds decide to get off the fence, but as people vote, it becomes harder for pollsters to get in contact with people who haven't yet voted but still intend to do so. And no pollster has reliably reflected the change in voting demographics brought on my minorities in their base models this cycle. Well, not publicly released polls anyway, I would give a great deal to see the assumptions the Clinton campaign has been using all season because I am pretty sure they are terrifyingly accurate.

So yes, there are technically ways that Trump can win in every state he needs to secure the election, but they are all incredibly unlikely and he has to get all of them to have a shot, not just one, not two, but every major swing state and all leaning R states and a couple leaning D states. It's like winning Russian roulette 5 times in a row... five times in a row. Okay perhaps not quite that bad, but still pretty bad, meanwhile Clinton only has to not lose any one of those states. That is rather a lot more likely, particularly since the campaign has a robust and organized Get Out The Vote mechanism virtually everywhere.

And don't no one give me any shit about people not voting because they think we will win anyway and therefore they don't need to, that shit doesn't happen, in reality it is quite the opposite, people like to be on the winning side, they want to contribute to an overwhelming victory, if they think their side has a chance, they will turn out to be a part of it, this is something we love to do. Conversely if we think our side is going to lose, such as if we are told for a couple months that the election is rigged, we are unlikely to try to change that. This is a key difference between the Trump and Clinton campaigns, and between the candidates themselves, the Trump campaign can't help but try to cover it's ass and pre-emptively assign blame, the Clinton campaign... didn't. And down the stretch, a message of hope and optimism "They go low, we go high" is much more encouraging than "It's rigged people, a mess".

So don't fucking panic, it's going to be alright and more than alright, we have a lot to think about as a culture, specifically how we needed women and minorities to literally save the world this year, but we will have that chance, we can think about it and work to change that. We have that chance now. The size of the bullet we dodged cannot be understated, but we dodged it anyway, it is my view that the bullet was the last major gasp of a dying ideology, and I hope I am right because we are going to have such a fight on our hands if not, but for this election America is going to choose to be better, and if we have to fight at least it will be from a position of strength.

Take a deep breath, stop reading CNN and Nate Silver, go vote, help with GOTV operations if you are so inclined, enjoy the next few days as best you can, election night promises to be magical, and historical, be glad we live during these times.

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