Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Well fuck

I was as wrong as it is possible to be, Democrats lose the presidency and the senate, which means we lose the Supreme Court for something like two generations.

Everything went wrong, Trump had to have every major swing state fall exactly his way and he did, he had to overperform his polling by something like 5-7% everywhere, and he did. All Clinton had to do was not lose, and she couldn't.

There will be conspiracy theories about the election being rigged, either by Trump or by Russia, but I don't buy them. This... this is what the American people want. Well, halfish of them anyway.

I've been an optimist throughout this whole process even as recently as three hours ago but I can't anymore, I thought our country was a place of small improvements, but we just solidly elected someone who ran on a platform, if you can call it that, of undoing any and all progressive policy of the last two decades. No it wasn't a landslide win for him, but it wasn't a squeaker either, he didn't need a controversial Supreme Court decision or an act of God to make him president. Hell he didn't even need to spend money or have a ground game, he didn't even try to hide who he is.

There was no deception here, America would rather be dominated by an incompetent Mussolini wannabe than be run by a qualified executive with a progressive platform. We are so scared of the rest of the world that we chose a man who would knowingly lie to our faces and promise anything, sometimes mutually exclusive things, because he said he would keep us safe. We told Barack Obama in no uncertain terms that all his work was for less than nothing, that his legacy isn't worth a damn to us and all his achievements were the exact opposite of what we want.

We told the women of the country that no, they can't be president.

In the weeks and months to come there will be a ton of analysis on the data of this election, we'll agonize over demographics and minority turnout in various states, and ask ourselves how we missed this, where did his support come from and why did her support stay home? The answers will not be straightforward but I am sure they will come. But in general it boils down to one thing.

We wanted this. The country is still majority white, and we wanted this, we worked tirelessly to disenfranchise minority groups, to tell them they didn't have a place and weren't wanted, and that their vote doesn't count and that we wanted this.

The American dream is dead, it probably never was alive, but today means we as a country cannot even pretend to lay claim to ideals of equality or justice, we have no moral high ground on anything, we are a nation that hates and fears and lashes out against anything that might help us.

There is no good to come out of this, no silver lining or hidden benefit, we may learn lessons from it, some of us, but the doing of it will damage the country and the world, perhaps irreparably. Today was a tipping point.

I am ashamed to call myself an American, I don't want to live in this country anymore, but immigrating is both hard to do, an act of incredible privilege, and probably pointless.

We elected perhaps the worst possible combination of people to the White House at the worst possible time, nothing is alright and no one should be happy

Democracy worked and here we are.

Welcome to America.

I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry.

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