Monday, October 3, 2016

Vacation update part the last

I have to go home tomorrow, which is butt, I told Zena we should extend the trip, by my calculations we could stay for over a month before our savings ran out, then we could vanish from society and live on the streets, no longer slaves to the capitalist power structure, but she wasn't going for it.

In all seriousness I do miss my cat, and also rather like having money so I guess it will be okay coming back, I have some catching up to do though, I basically disconnected from the news except for headlines caught in passing when channel surfing and just now when I accessed Google to log into the blog and took a quick look at my news feed. Apparently cops haven't stopped shooting black people yet, Trump is still horrible, etc, etc. I'll spend some time catching up, but that will be hard to balance against all the world quests I need to do in WoW, I will manage somehow I guess, truly I live a life filled with hardship.

Oh shit the VP debate is the fourth! I guess i can check that out, I don't know if I am going to sit through the whole thing, Pence is repellent to me in different ways than Trump, possibly because he knows how to string real sentences together and thus is closer to imitating actual human behavior? I dunno, anyway Kaine is cool and will likely win handily, but we'll see I guess, no one really cares about Vice Presidents anyway.

Today I watched the Seahawks beat the Jets handily, that was nice, then we went down to Pike Place Market and the pier, visited the nerd store in the market and bought overpriced Magic cards because I needed a fix, then went to the aquarium before having a late lunch at the Crab Pot, a place that will sell you a large bowl full of shellfish that they proceed to dump on the table and leave you to do what comes naturally with the aid of a mallet and a great deal of melted butter.

On the way back Zena picked up Piroshki and I got cheese to take home, hung out in the hotel for a while then hot tub, then burgers for dinner, and here I am, snacking on the leftover Skittles from last week while I write this, the Skittles are pretty good except they managed to become the hot new place to be seen for about a hundred ants before we left town, they have been mostly evicted but I still gotta be careful, I am sure there is a metaphor there somewhere.

Checkout time is noon tomorrow so I am off to bed, real news and hard hitting commentary return tomorrow night, maybe, either that or weeping that I have to actually go to work again, 

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