Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Luke Cage first thoughts.

Started watching Luke Cage tonight, stayed up too late watching it and am only three episodes in. Man, it's something.

First, it is really good an you should watch it, this should not be in doubt. The acting is good from all parties, the story is interesting, real life issues are brought up but it isn't relentlessly grim either.

I feel like a lot of it wasn't made for me.

By that I of course mean for white people, there is imagery and cultural touchstones here that I am only vaguely aware of and don't have internalized the way I think perhaps a black person might, a black New Yorker particularly. The image most people will talk about is one of a black man in a hoodie being shot, and not dying. Something that to me is pretty cool looking while being relevant to current events, seems to have a bit more of a personal feeling to a black person, at least if I am going by the Twitter comments I've seen.

It's actually interesting reading reviews and comments on the show, if the writer is black or interested in the issues of racial inequality, then they tend to critique the show a lot more favorably than one who isn't. I am not saying the reviews are intentionally biased, not any more so than any review is anyhow, but I think that if a show focuses on issues that make people uncomfortable, those who aren't used to discussing, or haven't lived, those issues will tend to look more harshly at it than those who have.

I gotta watch the rest and think about this more before I write anymore, we'll pick this up in a week or so.

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