Sunday, October 2, 2016


I am in the savage land of Seattle, my vacation consists mostly of going out to find food, then returning to our suite to watch bad TV and read or just hang out. It's pretty nice. Had dinner with my dad last night and that was pretty good too.

I gotta say though talking to people about my vacation has been a bit irritating, they all seem to want us to have plans, and to know what we are doing every day we are here, and everyone wants to recommend a museum that we should totally visit while we are here. I feel they don't understand the point of the vacation, at least to me.

I, and so many others, live my life based around work, every day when I get up there has to be a plan for the day that accounts for it, which means there has to be a plan for the day, this is... fine I guess, certainly reasonable, but it leaves me feeling a bit trapped and eventually I get depressed and do dumb things like call in sick for a week straight, or quit without notice, I have managed to avoid this both at my current job and when I worked at the Moda center by letting the other mandatory scheduled task I have every day take the fall once in a while, that task being this blog. But once in a while I find it helps to have a bit more of a disconnect.

I don't hold with fucking off to the woods for a week, I like being neither too warm nor too cold and camping doesn't really lend itself to that, additionally I hate bugs of all forms and they in turn hate me, they express this hate by flying into my face when I am attempting to relax, nature is not friend to humans and that is why we have spent the last few centuries as a species getting as far away from it as possible, we know it wants to kill us so we make sure to expose ourselves to it as little as we can.

... The efficacy and indeed morality of that plan may be dubious, but suffice it to say camping or something is not relaxing for me.

I also like being connected, I like seeing what is up on social media and reading the news, I like watching TV and being able to order food whenever I want. What I don't like, and go on vacations to avoid, is the rigidly structured schedule that goes along with having to pay bills and such. You know what I did today? Woke up at eight, I was able to do this because we went to bed at like ten last night, we had breakfast in the hotel, it wasn't very good but it was free, then we came back upstairs and went back to sleep for like three more hours, then we decided on lunch, went out to go there and it was raining, so we detoured to a different place that was closer and had delicious ramen noodles instead, found a bookstore on the way back and purchased a few, almost saw Bruce Springsteen, who apparently was in town doing a book signing, but the line was ridiculous and it turns out was for ticket holders only, and the tickets had long been sold out. We then came home and watched TV, napped, and snacked until I insisted we figure out what we were going to do for dinner, we selected a place and then proceeded to fuck about for a few more hours until we got hungry, went out to eat, a Spanish Tapas joint, food was acceptable but the desert was friggin delicious, that was around nine thirty, then we came back and continued the previous plans, Zena is now in the bedroom listening to an audiobook and I am in the living room of our suite writing this after having finished two of the books I purchased today.

Tomorrow we hope to repeat the process except in the morning I will watch football.

That's a fuckin' vacation and now I will go back to it.

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