Tuesday, October 11, 2016

I think things are looking pretty good really.

It is fair to say that what has been going on this election season is unprecedented in American history, really on both sides of the aisle, never have a pair of candidates been so unpopular, and never have the platforms of the parties been so extreme, it is the most progressive platform we have ever seen on the Democrat side, and if even a quarter of it gets accomplished there will be massive improvements in the quality of life for the majority of Americans, the opposite is true for the Republican party platform, which more or less specifically ushers in some sort of Christian Taliban style of government.

Anyone who is honestly undecided at this point is an utter moron and probably not worth spending anymore time on, anyone voting for Trump at this point isn't worth the space they take up in the world and the sooner they die off the better for us all.

I have decided to make sure I get the day after the election off so I can drink in their sadness.

Anyway, there is a lot of talk that this whole deal has damaged the Democratic process and is just bad in general for the nation, but I don't see it that way. The impending collapse of the Republican party is going to see a rise in functional third party participation as the various factions go their separate ways and attract members from the Democrats and undecideds, and I suspect a few election cycles later we will see the Democratic party follow suit.
The rise of populism, while scary, did show that the average voter still can make a difference and challenge campaigns backed by the billionaires, and those views have to be dealt with, remember there were two populist movements this year, one from Trump and the other from Sanders, we want to encourage the latter, but pretending the ideas espoused by the former don't exist is almost as bad as embracing them. Like, we know that racism is bad, most of us do anyway, we know that the tactics used by Trump echo those used by people like Hitler and Mussolini, but those ideas and tactics have always been present in American politics, they just weren't explicitly stated, indeed they were embraced by the Republicans for a long time and used to great effect in their own dominance of the political process.

Now we see them for what they are, and those who supported the party when it wasn't being explicitly fascist are having to ask themselves hard questions about what they believe, this is a good thing and should not be mourned or thought of as part of the death of Democracy or whatever.

And you know what? The reaction should be encouraging to everyone! We have learned that a fascist movement can gain the nomination of a major party sure, that is upsetting, but we have also learned, at least if election results hold up to the polling we are seeing, that same fascist movement can lose an election on a scale we haven't seen in the modern era, turns out the majority of America isn't actually that crazy and horrible, and that should be something to celebrate.

Could it be better? Sure it could and that is what we work for, after a generation of policies enacted by progressive politicians, life gets better for everyone even if they didn't want those policies anyway.

A rising tide lifts even shitty boats.

No one has been murdered at a rally, thus far it appears the actual election process is proceeding as it usually does, voting rights are mostly being upheld and expanded by federal judges, and if registration records are to be believed turnout might end up being pretty damn high this year, for the US anyway.

So how does a wave of people voting for progressive policies and against a literal fascist equate to the death of Democracy?

Let's be honest here, as far as our process goes, we don't have the same level of crazy in our elected representatives as the UK, even after a couple cycles of Tea Party loons, the rest of the world has no ground to judge when it comes to having insane things happen in government, when November 9th dawns, there will be an unclenching of buttocks the world over, and business will continue as normal.

The deplorables outed themselves, hell they embraced it! They aren't hidden and we don't have to take them seriously, they have proven that their ideas are unwanted by the majority of the country and they will not hold the influence they have now ever again.

If for nothing else, we can thank Trump for that as we spit on his grave.

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