Thursday, October 13, 2016

Donate to RAINN

I wrote yesterday that I thought we were making progress, this is true and I stand by it, but that doesn't mean things are good enough yet.

Particularly with regards to the national response to Donald Trump bragging about being a sex offender, as well as the current accusations from I think five different women now who say he sexually assaulted them.

For the most part, reaction has been acceptable, a condemnation in the strongest terms of Trump for saying what he did from most parts of society, but leaving aside the not insignificant number of people who support him despite that, or worse, don't think what he said was improper, it still ignores the fact that we have had decades of public statements and appearances by the man himself that shows what he believes and does, these women aren't coming out for the first time either, for the most part they had spoken up before and were resoundingly ignored by the media. Remember it wasn't until oh, perhaps a month ago, that any serious coverage of his many horrible qualities and actions happened, it took a week solid of him insulting the press and the news outlets before they decided to to do their fucking jobs and report, the current crop of stories is a direct result of what amounts to a vendetta between Trump and the media.

And man, that depresses me, the guy is basically the face of sexism in America right now, a person who routinely and publicly shows us he doesn't think women are anything other than sex objects and who literally does not know why people get mad at the things he says and does. He is basically every stupid frat kid who rapes a drunk woman at a party and for the most part, the world treated has treated him like one, they let him off easy, thinking more of his rights, hell not even rights, his desires as being more valid than the human beings whose lives he brings ruin to simply by existing in his zone of privilege.

I am very glad that the issue is in the national eye, for now anyway, and I am impressed by statements from people like President Obama and VP Biden calling those actions exactly what they are without sugercoating. It bums me out that there are still people, possibly even people reading this now, who need that explained to them or who refuse to understand when it is explained. Trump at least has the excuse of growing up a billionaire surrounded by sycophants and people who taught him to behave like that, as well as being batshit insane, what is your excuse?

Like I said, we make progress but damn if there isn't a long way to go yet, there is a way to easily make a difference though, spend money, not on the campaigns, they have enough at the moment, donate to RAINN, or the SPLC, or your local Domestic Violence charity of choice. It directly helps those who are hurt by people like Trump, and will help you feel better as more stories are talked about in the next few days.

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