Friday, September 30, 2016

Vacation, woo!

I am going on vacation, leaving tomorrow morning with Zena and heading to Seattle where we will stay in a hotel and basically do nothing but go out for food and watch TV, possibly take in a show or something, but we aren't pressuring ourselves.

I am very excited about it, four days away from work and away from my cats, now I love my cats, but they have collectively decided that I should not be able to sleep through the night, or to have a nap that lasts longer than an hour and this is getting really old.

I'll still post while I am away, but I won't be quite as immersed in whatever is going on as I usually am so I can't speak for the quality of the posts, hell I may even miss a day, fuck it, it's a vacation.

Poor post quality starts.... now.

Good night!

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