Monday, October 24, 2016

Finally some good news

Jack Chick died today apparently at the age of 92. For those unaware and who do not wish to click the link, he was the creator of hundreds of horrible little comics called "Chick Tracts" Tijuana Bible style comics but instead of porn it was filled with a uniquely horrible and paranoid mix of religious insanity and the worst elements of racism and paranoia from the entire 20th century. They can be kind of funny, but to me they lose humor when I realize they are written as deadly serious.

He was a terrible person and I am glad he is dead, yes I absolutely will celebrate the death of someone, he was fortunate enough to live through some of the most defining moments of history, to watch things change and adapt, and his reaction was to decry it all as the plan of Satan. The only thing I mourn is that he didn't die sooner.

I feel similarly with regards to Justice Scalia, who also lived for far too long and unfortunately had a platform to do a lot more damage than Mr. Chick, who I am pretty sure never convinced anyone of anything with his comics. But the only thing really to mourn about terrible people dying is that they never understood the harm they did, and wasted their entire lives in an effort to make the world a worse place.

So yeah, feeling pretty okay about this one.

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