Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Holding pattern

I haven't posted about the race for the last few days, there is an element of lacking energy to do so behind that, but honestly there just isn't much to say right now, nothing really new is happening. The polls continue to fluctuate in Clinton's favor despite a couple mildly harmful leaked emails and some bad news about Obamacare insurers planning on raising their premiums, unfortunately for the GOP, this stuff is kind of arcane and is hard to boil down into a scary sound bite, at least the email stuff is, it is increasingly clear that the opposition to Obamacare comes primarily from the GOP itself rather than the electorate, or rather that the electorate already has its mind made up about the program and isn't going to be changing it at this date.

Trump continues to do crazy things, shutting down elements of his fundraising operations, spending time campaigning in Washington DC of all places while Mike Pence goes to Utah in an effort to keep it red, this is going to be hard because Pence looks like a monster and has the charisma of granite. And of course the trickle of people claiming Trump assaulted them continues to grow along with more reports of shady dealings with his company, charity, and campaign, but none of this is news anymore, there isn't anything groundbreaking and various pundits keep promising devastating new video that will harm either Trump or Clinton but nothing ever materializes.

So I haven't had a lot to say that I haven't already said, it's thirteen days until the election and I am ready for it to be over, I wish we could just fast forward but no we still have to grind through almost two weeks of increasingly repetitive, boring, and horrifying coverage. The only bright spots are looking at early voting returns and watching turnout be uniformly up for the Democrats and down for Republicans compared to the last couple elections, but that only stretches so far.

I guess I'll try to finish the How Did We Get Here? Series, I think there might be enough time left to finish out the candidates. Guess we'll see.

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