Monday, October 24, 2016


I am in a rut these days when it comes to writing, and tonight is no difference, I got home and said to myself "Logan you have to get your writing done early tonight, you need to be up at seven to drive Zena to work before you have your own shift at nine."
Well, it's about three fifteen now and this is what I got, apparently when I told myself that it ended up getting translated as "Read and entire novel and eat cinnamon rolls." So that is what I did.

I am having trouble motivating myself obviously, I think I need a project that isn't this, like I go to work and while I don't suffer it isn't exactly fun or giving me a feeling of accomplishment, so when I come home one of those things seems to be the priority for me, and let's be honest here, it is easier to read a book or play video games than it is to do something that gets a meaningful feeling of accomplishment.

This writing doesn't really do it, it serves its purpose but the above doesn't seem to be it. I need either a job I feel enthusiastic about, or a plan to do something else that I can work on. This isn't complaining or asking for help, I have a couple ideas that may or may not amount to anything, but it's a start I guess, I may end up taking a day per week off the blog to do other things, but I have no firm plans now. Hell maybe go back to school and learn a skill or get a certification in something is my future, I dunno. The point is, I gotta do something, staying up this late is screwing with me these days.

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