Thursday, September 29, 2016

I will judge you for your politics

I see a lot of people preface posts about politics with something like "I don't care who you support" or "it doesn't matter what your politics are" before going into whatever point they were trying to make.

This is a nice attitude to have, in fucking Equestria maybe, where the most divisive issue is who makes the best apple pie or whatever.

We don't live there, we live in the USA in 20-fucking-16 and we have bigger fish to fry. Like potentially all of them if we don't get a handle on this global warming thing and I will absolutely judge you and think less of you if we believe differently on a great number of issues.

First and foremost of course, and tying most of the other issues together is the presidential race, this is not a Dukakis/Bush, or even an Obama/Romney issue here, for the last half a century the parties have become increasingly more divided but the argument could usually be made that neither party was explicitly evil, mostly, but you can't do that now, you can't buy into the false equivalency when the choices are orange Mussolini and literally anyone else.

They say politics shouldn't come between friends, but why would I want to be friends with someone who doesn't think vast segments of the population deserve the same rights as me? Or even to be alive? Why would I be friends with someone who thinks fucking over anyone they work with for a buck is a practice worth admiring? Fuck that and fuck them.

I burned a bridge yesterday I think, an old friend from high school made contact the other day asking why I had unfriended him on Facebook way over a year ago, this guy was among my closest buddies way back when, I even attended his wedding. Then he moved to Israel and fell into lockstep with his countries right wing and then into some weird conservative Jewish thing that I don't know the terms for, after a while I would see cute stories about his kids, interesting things about his work at a holocaust museum, followed by articles about how Trans people are mentally ill and how every Muslim in the world is horrible and deserves only death, with a particular focus on Palestinians.

I informed him of this when he asked, and he hasn't responded to me since, now perhaps one day soon I will get a call and we can have a talk, I would welcome that, but unless evidence starts showing that his beliefs are at least moderating I am comfortable not having contact anymore.

Here in the states it is even simpler, without having to dance around criticizing Israel without being anti-Semitic, if you support Trump, you are either stupid, a racist bigot, or comfortable with electing a racist bigot, at this point there is no excuse for not knowing this about the man, he has made it perfectly clear in so many ways over the last year and change that you can't deceive yourself. If you are stupid, then there may be hope for you but why aren't you educated? The media has been pretty crap about calling Trump out on his shit, but there is still rather a lot of real evidence out there and it mounts every day, not made up stuff, not hearsay, just recorded interviews and statements in print, in his own words, without modification, a public document stretching back over thirty years of exactly what Donald Trump stands for.

There is no excuse, none, and if you actually think there is, or that you are making a statement of some kind by voting for him, it literally makes you a worse person because you think the lives of millions are something to play with, I am not being hyperbolic, I don't mean livelihoods, though those are at stake too, I mean literal, actual, lives. Real people who stand to die because of a protest vote, or an irony vote, or whatever the fuck reason you convinced yourself to vote for the shouting orange man.

I am not exaggerating, this man is very excited to have his finger on the nuclear button and he knows nothing of international relations or the politics surrounding the use and deployment of nuclear weapons, again, not exaggerating here, when asked about first strike policy at the debate, he quite obviously had no idea what that even was.

This is to say nothing of domestic policy if his ideas surrounding immigrants and the Muslim community come to pass, he has advocated for mas deportation, national stop and frisk, torture, and internment camps in the past and has shown no evidence of walking back any of those statements. He will happily sign a bill cutting Planned Parenthood and gut equal protections for women. Basically if you are not a straight, white, man then you are in literal danger of losing your life to one of his policies.

And if you support that in any way, you can go straight to hell.

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