Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Debate reaction part two.

It has been a good day, after a night of lunacy the Trump camp has managed to circle the wagons and has settled on a strategy of saying that they totally won guys, which no one is taking seriously at all except for a few folks on Fox News as well as Hannity.

Much of the debate critique done by people who are in touch with reality echoes my own of last night, Trump ignored opportunities, wasted his time rambling incoherently, and blundered into every single trap Clinton laid out for him like Sideshow Bob stepping on rakes. When he wasn't doing that he was making it clear he not only had no policy ideas, but also in many cases didn't even know that there was a subject to have a policy about.

Trump has spent the day denying everything despite 80 million people having video evidence of it, and his most loyal supporters will buy it of course, because they will buy anything from him. This should be considered the ideal outcome, see, Trump is a man who cannot admit a mistake, this means that his "debate prep" got him the win tonight, which means he will do the exact same amount of prep(nothing) for the next one, and in that one he will likely resort to outright insulting Clinton in addition to revealing his willful ignorance about all manner of policy and public evens.

Unless he decides to not show up of course, always a possibility but like I said, he has decided he won last night and will probably think he can win the next one as well.

It has been fun watching this go down while I was at work, we keep a news station on for most of the day and it was a slow one so I got to see a bit of coverage and it is brutal out there for Trump.

I feel a bit better about things now, somewhat optimistic even, Trump will not be president, and if Clinton really intends to go with the elements of her campaign platform and the Democrats pick up enough seats to be competitive(both fairly big ifs I realize.) We just might have a future worth looking forward to.

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