Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Preacher, Season One

I finished the season this morning and I have to say they managed to win me. You'd think that wouldn't be too hard given my enormous fanboy status for comic book adaptations, but after a strong first episode the series spent a few episodes kinda spinning its wheels, I get that people who hadn't read the comics needed a bit of character development, but I was starting to get shades of Game of Thrones tendency to not have anything happen, and I wasn't prepared to spend another five seasons watching nothing get accomplished.

But it never got bad, just not what I wanted... until episode seven or so when they kicked it up a gear and embraced the insanity of the concept.

For those unaware, the story follows Jessie Custer, a preacher who is having a crisis of faith and who gets a power from a being called Genesis that allows him to tell anyone to do anything and be obeyed. In the comics he basically gets the power and shortly thereafter decides to go find God and give him what for, things go rather differently in the televised version, and if you have read the comics this season will seem almost like a prologue to the main story.

I had a lot of fun though, especially once the angels show up to get things moving, there is a delightful fight scene in a motel that plays off certain properties that angels have in the show, let's just say that being knee deep in corpses is not in any way metaphorical by the time it is all over, yet no one dies and it is hilarious.

There is at least one scene that similarly embraces the weirdness in each episode up until the end, with the finale really ramping things up in a teleconference with the Lord himself. I don't feel bad about saying that by the way, I spoiled nothing at all.

By the end, the gang is together, they have a goal, and the opposition is somewhat established. We are thoroughly on board with the chemistry of the three main characters, and ready to watch them unleash themselves on the world.

Looking forward to season two, I hope the ratings for one are good enough they actually make it.

Oh yeah, soundtrack is tops too.

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