Wednesday, August 3, 2016

The day in Trump

Today Donald Trump had a job to do, he had to attempt to repair his image with America, the convention was a disaster and the DNC countered what little boost it brought, Trump spent the weekend attacking the family of  Medal of Honor recipient. The campaign desperately needed a positive day and thanks to the low as hell expectations the media has of Trump, all he needed to do for a positive day is not fuck things up too badly.

So what did he do? And what happened that could help him?

  1. Kicked a crying baby out of an event while insulting its mother
  2. Stabbed Paul Ryan in the back by refusing to endorse his run for reelection
  3. Same with John McCain
  4. A child at his rally, a ten year old, shouted "take the bitch down!" In reference to Clinton, Trumps response was "kids will be kids"
  5. Received a (replica) Purple Heart from a supporter, publicly announced that he had "always wanted one of these".
  6. A couple of Republicans announced they will be supporting Clinton 
It is safe to say he did not accomplish damage control in any way, except I guess in that he was in control of most of the damage. Most of this is the usual garbage and won't see much reaction, but there is other ongoing stuff too, primarily his ongoing (losing) feud with the Khans, insulting a Gold Star family doesn't sit well with any party, regardless of the race/religion of the individual in question, and he just won't let it go.

Rumor has it Paul Manafort has lost any control over Trump and has stopped trying, the campaign staff are having just an awful time of it, and according to rumor from the campaign, if Trump isn't actively doing a rally, he is on the phone or watching TV for news about himself, and growing more and more enraged every time something is said about him.

The closest thing we are hearing to a coherent message out of the campaign is Trump claiming the fix is in and the election will be given to Clinton no matter what. In any other campaign this would be a sign that he was preparing to drop out or something, but with Trump no one can tell, is he just talking out of his ass? Will he skip the debates? Is he actually planning to drop out and claim corruption if the polls don't swing his way again? No one fucking knows, possibly not even him!

I am not a doctor and don't agree with diagnosing someone based on their public appearances, but I don't see how his actions are anything other than a sign of someone with severe mental health problems, even if he was "just" a hateful bigot with bad ideas we wouldn't be seeing bizarre crap like this on a daily, even hourly, basis. There must be something else going on there, drugs perhaps, there is a story, don't know how true it is, that Trump's doctor prescribed him "diet pills" which are largely just amphetamines, I suppose we could be watching someone who is taking too many of them, or not enough, or something, but I mostly just suspect good old fashioned insanity myself.

A second poll showing Clinton with an eight point lead nationally hit today, I don't see how she loses this unless she gets arrested or does something incredibly stupid herself.

So I guess we can't relax just yet.

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