Wednesday, July 20, 2016

RNC day two, the Cleveland Witch trials

How can a convention full of the most hard right idiots in the world be so boring?

 Probably because it is nothing we haven't seen before, all year long really.

Highlights of today include Chris Christie holding a show trial in for Hillary Clinton, the defendant being in absentia of course, the crowd ate it up, making it difficult for him to finish sentences, and sentencing, due to chants of "Lock her up!" that kept spontaneously breaking out.

There is no family the right hates more in the world than the Clintons, and boy is that obvious tonight.

The theme was Make America Work Again, but nobody really talked about jobs, which isn't surprising considering their weren't many actual politicians speaking today, a few businessmen who you'd think would talk about jobs didn't really, mostly shouting about Hillary, then there were assorted Trumps and religious figures.

Nothing really stood out though, the hate machine was in full swing but there wasn't a single competent speaker among them who could cross party lines, or even cross from the extremists in the GOP to the rest of the party.

Trump was officially confirmed at the start of the day, so America is on the books at having nominated Donald freaking Trump as a candidate for one of its two major parties, which is a bit depressing really.

Then there was the plagiarism, again.

No, not kidding at all.

Okay so the full story is this, Donald Trump Jr. spoke and had a section or two that was almost the same as what was written in an article a little while ago, turns out the author of the article was also a writer for the speech Jr. gave, so is it plagiarism if the author himself just resubmits his own work?

I dunno but if I did it for a writing class I would get failed at the very least, and you'd think they would make even half of an effort to avoid the appearance of impropriety after yesterday, but that is the problem isn't it? Half of an effort didn't go into any aspect of this campaign and convention.

Another example, Third Eye Blind played tonight at one of the, I guess you could call it a side event for the RNC after all the main speakers were done. They spent the evening trolling those in attendance, refusing to play their biggest hits, and talking about how they disagreed with various aspects of the RNC platform.

Now, a cursory Google search would have turned up their opinions without paying them money to come tell you themselves, but that didn't happen, and it didn't happen because nobody with any power gives a shit about getting anything done right.

And that was the story of the day, nothing done right, seats emptying, and nothing matters. The nominee normally sees a five or six point bump in the polls, but unless the next couple days are a massive improvement, I don't see that happening.

Which suits me fine of course.

Oh yeah, also that happened, I guess the dude fucking loves mustard.

1 comment:

Karl Fischer said...

Mustard guy is the hero the GOP deserves.