Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Thanks Obama

Before I get into it, I want to share an experience I had a few minutes ago.
I was taking a shower and realized I was feeling strange, after examining the sensation I figured out that I actually didn't feel like crap, I even felt good!

This is unusual for me, left to my own devices I find things to be mad at, deservedly or not, and usually by this point in my work week I am pretty banged up and achy, but today I had energy, felt, not positive exactly, but at peace at least, and in general not bad at all. It is a nice feeling and I almost don't want to go to bed, but it is now three and Zena doesn't like it when I stay up too late on a work night so I guess I'll still sleep.

Anyway, on to the main topic of the day, the Republican National Convention, day one.

The day started out with a Trump surrogate saying in an interview something that boiled down to "White people created civilization." So that was a good start to any campaigns day.
The RNC itself began with a bunch of weirdness and shouting as the Never Trump faction attempted to get support for, well, I am not honestly sure what, something to do with adopting the rules set by the Rules Committee last week I think. Anyway a few delegations walked out, but only those whose votes didn't matter anyway and we moved on the the speakers for the night.

An anti-Trump delegate claims she was threatened with death by Trump supporters.

Mostly this was run of the mill horrifying racist warmongering that we have seen all year. Scott Baio was there for some reason, turns out he think Obama is quite literally a Muslim and wants everyone to know.

Meanwhile, outside the center there was a man doing some form of humiliation/dominance play with his partner, who wore a leash and crawled around on all fours wearing a sign saying "Kick me for Trump".

Inside, some ex PMC guys told us the story of what they did during the Benghazi attack, in excruciating detail and probably at least two-thirds made up. Also one of the two dudes had his fly unzipped literally the entire time.

There was a shameful display of family members of people killed by Muslims and Mexicans, of which the less said the better.

Most of the speakers were entirely batshit and completely forgettable except for a couple though, Rudy Giuliani was there, and he spoke with a fervor usually associated with Mussolini, and covering similar topics that he would. One thing was I don't think I heard 9/11 said by Giuliani at all, which suggests that maybe something is wrong with him.
Possibly several somethings
 The main story of course, and the one that inspired the title of the post, was Melania Trump's speech, after an introduction that should be seen to be believed. She gave a restrained and heartwarming speech that while not exactly inspired, certainly could have been used as something to focus on and point to when arguing that the RNC is not full of racist warmongers.

If only she hadn't lifted an entire paragraph from a 2008 speech by Michelle Obama. Now I don't believe she wrote the thing herself, no matter what she told Matt Lauer before the event, but someone involved with the campaign did, and that someone is gonna get murdered I think, if they haven't gone into hiding already. There is no way this wasn't intentional, someone specifically did this to fuck things up, and because the campaign has virtually no oversight or vetting process, they succeeded, there even was something suspiciously close to a Rickroll in there. I mean, of all the speeches to plagiarize, they happened to select the woman the Republican party hates almost as much as Hillary Clinton? And a section relating to hard work no less.

It as the most beautiful unforced error I have ever heard of in a campaign, and it happened to the only part of the night a neutral observer might have seen as a positive exposure to the campaign. As I write this, all the major networks have picked it up, and the New York Daily News, whose hateboner for Trump is well documented, have something to say as well.

I couldn't have said it better myself, so I didn't try.

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