Thursday, July 21, 2016

RNC day three: Unique insanity

The usual suspects of obscure businessmen and terrible politicians did their thing and it was awful. What really struck me was the complete lack of any policy talk, no details, not even a rough idea of how anything would get done, barely any talk of anything getting done period. It is basically fearmongering one hundred percent of the time, and these guys are scared of a lot.

Islam, immigrants, BLM, the other BLM, women, anyone with even sort of dark skin, gays, the idea of government, other politicians, each and every one of these has been brought up either openly or implied and is described as a unique existential threat to our way of life and freedom, and when I say "our" I mean white, rich, Christian men, and the women they choose to include in their lives, some of them anyway.

How they even got into the convention center with protesters existing nearby is a fucking triumph of human will I guess, seeing as those people are literally who they are describing as those who will destroy America, and of course, the greatest threat of all, is Hillary Clinton.

I couldn't find one example of a convention in the modern era, and not really anything comparable before that, of how they hate this woman, they literally had a chant of "lock her up" that kept spontaneously breaking out both yesterday and today when she was mentioned, this just isn't something a political party has ever done with its opponent, like ever. It's freakin' creepy.

Anyway that is all old hat, we all know these people are cowards terrified of their own shadows who will die alone. The big news today is everyone made speeches that weren't plagiarized! Okay that isn't the big news, the big news is that Ted Cruz, the slime golem from Texas, gave a speech.

It was actually not a terrible speech in the context of the night, but it was notable for what it didn't do, it didn't have Cruz endorse Donald Trump, instead, he signed off with an exhortation for the Republicans to "vote their conscience" this fall.

The only surprising thing to me is that Cruz was allowed to speak at all, technically he had to, being a candidate who had enough delegates to qualify, but this speech was seen ahead of time and he was given the go ahead and a prime speaking slot to do it in. The Trump campaign almost seems to have been counting on it, having had the crowd primed to boo Cruz anyway, Paul Manafort gave the least convincing denial of the plan I have ever heard, literally smiling and saying something to the effect of "I don't know what you are talking about", so they thought this would help somehow.

It totally won't, yet again the news for the night is not dominated by the party coming together to celebrate their nominee and talk about their platform, it is instead dominated by the least likable man in America crashing the RNC and making the nominee look like a fool for letting him.

I suspect Cleveland will survive this convention after all, protests and such have been pretty peaceful all things considered, but the party is eating itself alive anyway, I can't even begin to imagine how tomorrow, the final day, will go.

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