Friday, November 22, 2019

Prequels are dumb

I got no problem with sequels, when Avengers 12 comes out I'll be there in the sensorium to experience it, gimme eight more seasons of The Expanse, fuck yeah I'll read another Dresden Files book.

Sequels are fun, they expand universes and give you more of a chance to know characters and background information.

Original works are great too! Even if they are intended to be standalone and stay that way. There is certainly a lot to be said for a closed story and the world can always use more new and unique tales.

Which brings me to prequels, I can't stand them, have no interest in them, a bane upon everything. This isn't because of the Star Wars prequel films, they are terrible for reasons beyond being prequels, although my same complaints apply to them.

A prequel takes an established setting and then tells a story that we already know the ending to. It is an exercise in pointlessness and I can't fathom why anyone would want to get involved in it.

Let's take an example from recently, The Dark Crystal is a much loved exceedingly unsettling puppetry demo that tells a pretty cohesive story from start to finish. When I heard they were doing more with the world I thought that was neat and was going to be willing to give it a shot. Imagine my disappointment when rather than making it a sequel staring Justin Timberlake(He's bringing Skeksi back.) I got a prequel that literally tells the story of how the world turned to shit in the movie, it's a great production with the requisite amazing visuals and a world filled with unique characters, and I could not be less interested, I know how this ends for virtually all of them already. Spoiler, you learned that thirty years ago or whatever - sheesh I just looked it up, 1982, 37 years ago, goddamn that's old.

I hear they are working on a Game of Thrones prequel series about the Taergaryans or however you spell it, and again, I don't see the point, they all go mad and get killed in increasingly inventive ways. We know this already.

Half-Life: Alyx was announced earlier today, it's a new entry into the legendary video game series that I love dearly, and it's also a fucking prequel! It looks amazing mind you, but if, and it's a big if, I play it it will be because of that rather than to find out what happens, because I already know, I played the first couple few games.

I have a hard time getting invested in characters when I know what happens to them, Alyx lives, Barney lives, pretty much everyone else is headcrab food. it just feels like a waste to me.

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