Thursday, December 1, 2016


I had insomnia last night, it's actually been a while since I literally couldn't sleep and stayed up all night not by my choice. Not since the store closed if I remember correctly, or thereabouts anyway.

I think it's seasonal, the holidays stress me out a bit, and my job doesn't seem as secure as I want it to be at times. But it could be the strange old energy drinks I had at work yesterday evening as well. See, companies like to drop off samples in hopes of getting us to carry their product, my boss seems pretty happy with his current line up and no one else has the authority to add stuff, so things accumulate, in this case we found a half dozen Monster energy drinks in Tea And Lemon, as well as Peach flavor, they may have been there for like six months as they turned up under a bunch of stuff as we were clearing some shelves out in preparation for month end inventory.

I drank two of them.

But I gotta say, if it is their fault, then damn those things got some kick, I finished the last one at like seven PM last night, and I only managed to fall asleep at about 4PM today, and then only for about three hours, currently I am pleasantly tired feeling and should fall asleep without issues, but if it is them, it means my system actually reacts to that stuff these days which is new and exciting as normally caffeine and the like don't have much of an impact on me, or at least they didn't.

Anyway, it was a learning experience, unless it wasn't and it is just my brains fault.

So I guess what I am saying is beware the unusually flavored Monster energy drinks, their lack of carbonation is misleading and may tempt you to drink more than you end up needing, then you don't sleep and spend four hours at the mall for some reason.

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