Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Politics and Firefly

I read an article today that said, based on The Toddler's staff picks and public statements, that he really might be serious about trying to kill Obamacare.
This is the level of news coverage the man gets, of fucking course he will attempt to kill Obamacare, he's been saying it for months! Who really thought he would reverse course now?
I just can't find the words to describe how shitty the media is continuing to be right now. Thousands of words, reports, and interviews, and no balls at all.

Anyway, enough of that, what else is on my mind today? Oh yeah.

I have a confession to make.

I think Firefly isn't actually all that great.

This came to mind after Ron Glass, who played Shepherd Book in the show, died the other day, another casualty to 2016, I then rewatched the first episode of the show with the intent on seeing the whole thing again and... I didn't really care for it. It was weird, ten years ago or whatever it was the best thing ever, and I still like all the characters and their actors, but I dunno, it just kind of falls flat. Perhaps it is the Joss Whedoness of the whole thing, where everyone has a quip and a quirk but don't really feel like real people, and there is a sort of smug faux-feminist air about the whole thing that is sort of asking for a smack.
I dunno, maybe I have outgrown him, or just have shitty taste in my old age.

That confession aside, I had a pretty decent day and now my weekend can begin, I think I get to start Christmas shopping tomorrow. Too bad Whitney isn't in town anymore to go to the mall with me.

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