Tuesday, December 6, 2016


I work late most shifts at work, and for the most part I like that better than the mornings, tips tend to be better at night, the owners aren't usually there, and the drive home is nice, now that I drive anyway.

I am more or less over my worry about driving, which is good because it is literally part of my job so that is progress.

I like driving at night, despite having what seems to be a mild bit of night blindness that makes things difficult at times, it is very soothing to me. The streets are fairly empty, I am secure in my climate controlled world and listening to the music of my choosing, and nothing else demands my attention other than the road. I basically control every part of my environment and that is nice.

Except for the other drivers of course, the crazy ones come out at night and all appear determined to attempt to merge into my lane on Powell Blvd going forty miles an hour without signalling, or even having their lights turned on for that matter, and they all want to be in precisely the spot my car occupies.

That or they are racing, there are a surprising number of what I can only assume are street races on Powell in between 10:30 and midnight, but at least they use their lights and signals and are perfectly happy to avoid me.

Anyway, I like my commute home, it is the one part of the day I can almost guarantee to be positive no matter what else happens, so that is something.

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