Friday, November 4, 2016

Long day, also go vote

Put in what turned out to be close to a twelve hour shift today, started by covering for an employee who quit without giving two weeks notice so we had to figure out how to deal with that, then closed the store. I handled it pretty well I think, but I am a bit beat and I have to open tomorrow, tomorrow also has a rather large order needing to go out like first thing in the morning so I need to get there a little early to start the prep for it.

Basically I don't have a ton of energy and need to sleep for at least a little bit instead of writing about Republicans or whatever.

Oh hey, speaking of, go vote already, it doesn't matter if Oregon is a safe blue state, go out and exercise your responsibility as a citizen.

Tomorrow I am going to go see Dr. Strange, so I'll have something to talk about then.

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