Thursday, November 17, 2016

Everything sucks

Regular readers may have noticed I didn't do a blog post last night, this is because I am sick as hell with a fever. It started the night before last and yesterday I basically couldn't remain upright or look at a computer screen for longer than about a minute. Currently I think the worst of it has broken, I am covered in sweat but not actually too uncomfortable otherwise, and I haven't had chills for hours.

Having to lie down constantly sucks when your back locks up after about six hours at a time of it. I am in a great deal of pain at the moment. I basically had to get up and hobble around every couple hours during the night to try to stretch things out so that I could actually sleep, it had mixed results.

I've called in sick to work today, which I am sure is going to result in my boss giving me shit but whatever.

Aaand I am totally not better, I just took a six hour nap because I ran out of energy typing. So that's me today!

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