Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Cause for hope?

I've been... somewhat demoralized to say the least since last Tuesday, and I think not without cause, but I begin to grow cautiously optimistic that things might not be as bad as I feared. Don't get me wrong, they will be bad, and especially bad for LGBT and minorities, but it is barely possible that the worst might be averted.

Let's get one thing clear, Trump is going to be president, petitions to the college of electors, while something that feels good and potentially valuable as a gauge of public opinion, are going to do nothing to prevent this and honestly if enough electors go faithless it might just touch off a real civil war, which given Trump's support in the military and police departments, would not be likely to go well for the side of good.

This doesn't mean I feel like we should work with him and make the best of it, no he should be opposed at every turn by everyone, sued for his excesses, and forced to actually work at making his terrible ideas law. And it is in this arena that there might be cause for some slight optimism.

Basically if his transition team is anything to go by, he is going to be really bad at this, possibly so bad that he isn't going to figure out how to effectively get stuff done, and Congress is taking notice, now obviously the Democrats are almost entirely against him, but the Republicans might be less inclined to work with him than I initially thought, the Tea Party faction of course is a lost cause, but there are a few less insane ones that seem to be fairly alarmed at the decisions, or lack thereof, that he is making so far.

It is just possible that Donald Trump is too incompetent, and too distrustful of anyone else, to effectively implement policy, does he know how to create an Executive Order? Will he believe anyone who tells him about it? Does he actually know how laws are created? Clearly he knows how to say something is real, but it remains to be seen if he can be convinced to actually use the processes in place to make what he says actually reality.

Now, Mike Pence clearly has a slightly better idea, but I don't know if Trump ever really communicates with him, and I do know that Pence has so far been really bad about doing things like filing necessary paperwork on time. We know that Trump has picked at least a few people who probably know how to get things done, but we also know Trump is a severe micro-manager who doesn't really let his underlings actually do things, plus, in the end, the President is the one who has to actually sign stuff. So the question is, can the Trump staff communicate with the Washington DC bureaucracy effectively?

Signs so far are not promising.

I realize it is faint hope, and that hope shouldn't be allowed to compromise ongoing resistance efforts, but I do think that hope is there and we may get out of this without as much damage as initially feared.
Time will tell I suppose.

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