Saturday, October 15, 2016


I just finished dinner, it's nearly three AM and I got home only a little bit ago, when it rains everyone wants pizza I guess, I am vexed by the slowness of some of my coworkers, and my boss kept calling and interrupting me while I was doing the books, but it all got done and I got paid for it so woo.

Got a flu shot and my Whooping Cough vaccine today in advance of Tara having her baby, I suppose it is a worthy cause, actually I am coming around on flu shots, I used to have some issues with them, but the more I think about it the more I don't want to put the elderly and immune compromised at risk, and this is a good way of helping with that.

So with all that I have no idea what happened today in the world, I last slept for about four hours starting at around this time last night, so my education will have to wait, night folks.

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