Sunday, October 30, 2016

Short thoughts on the holiday.

I don't have much on my mind tonight, I worked late so that is basically all I got, my boss says that Halloween weekend is the busiest weekend of the year for pizza, but I gotta say I don't see it if tonight was anything to go by.

Heck there's something to talk about, no not sales projections versus reality in the pizza business, but Halloween.

I don't care much for Halloween.

Don't get me wrong, I like candy just as much(more) than the next guy, and I'll attend a party or something and try to have fun with only my usual hang ups to get in the way, but I just don't care specifically for the holiday, I don't like dressing up or putting up decorations, I don't find anything particularly magical about the days getting shorter, and I have never felt the need for an excuse to watch horror movies. It just doesn't do much for me particularly since I got too old to trick or treat.

I realize I am likely in the minority at least in my circle of friends and family if my Facebook feed is anything to go by, and that's fine, I never said everyone had to like the same things as me, I will say that the holiday largely doesn't annoy me, which cannot be said for virtually every other major holiday, but that's the thing, it is just sort of... another day to me and I just don't get why people find it a big deal.

I don't need to get it of course, no one relies on me to have fun on Halloween, I hope anyway. It's just a thing.

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