Monday, October 31, 2016

I realized something

Donald Trump has spent a lot of time over the last couple months talking about how the system is rigged against him, now he is half right, the system is of course rigged, but not in the manner he is talking about and indeed the way the system works now is very much to his benefit.

For a long time I thought he was just being stupid when he talks about stuff being rigged, but I came to the realization that in the context he lives in he might just believe it and have some real reason to do so.

It goes back to the world of wealth and privilege that he comes from, the sheltered, privileged part of his world is what informs his views of women as sex objects pretty much exclusively, even in the case of his own daughter., but the wealth, or more particularly the high money and corruption form of real estate he practices, is what I think informs his thoughts on if the system is rigged.

See, his business has always been about shady dealings, personal relationships, and building his brand, he has spent his entire "professional" career in a system that he routinely rigs in his own favor and cannot comprehend being in a situation where he cannot buy off his opposition, or blackmail them or get them to back down with the threat of a lawsuit, or that doesn't have a powerful figure or organization he can swing to his own side by virtue of his money and fame.

So when he rails against a rigged system, the press ganging up on him, or whatever, he really does think it is rigged, because in his mind the possibility that someone could successfully oppose him is impossible unless they have already rigged it for themselves, otherwise he should be able to do so! The press must be working with the Clinton campaign and be bought off or threatened to support her, because if they weren't then he should be able to threaten or buy them off to support him! And that hasn't been entirely the case thus far.

If you live in a world where rigging is just what is done as a matter of course, real opposition must feel like your own tactics used against you because that is what it usually is.

Of course, this wouldn't be a problem if he had any sense of awareness at all, I mean other billionaires come from sheltered lives and navigate rigged systems but are able to grasp the concept that other systems exist than theirs, but Trump combines his, really kind of sad and creepy personal history with that privilege and of course his own personal pile of mental illnesses to make it impossible for him to recognize that anything might work outside of his own personal narrative.

If he did he would recognize that the system is intrinsically rigged to support the rich and the outrageous, note that I said and, not or, you need to be both, rich to be taken seriously, outrageous to be worth reporting on, his massive amount of free advertising from the press during the primaries is all the proof anyone should need that the media loves Trump, and until he started blaming it for his downfall and just kind of being a big jerky baby it would have kept on fellating him as long as the ratings stayed high.

The political system is of course rigged to support the establishment, unless the establishment has spent the last several decades grooming a crop of unstable anti establishment yahoos as their voting base, in which case you get Trump.

He will never understand how lucky he is, when he loses it will be because the world conspired against him and he will learn nothing.

But at least he will have lost.

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