Sunday, October 9, 2016


This shit makes me happy, and I have spent a great deal of time trying to figure out why.

It's because my sense of justice is appealed to I think.

Donald Trump will not be president, but he got to the point where there were two choices, and America will be deciding to pass on his services. He gets to live the rest of his life as someone who almost became president, after spending so much money, some of it his, and untold amounts of time and effort, he gets... nothing. Instead he gets to spend the rest of his life wondering what happened and drawing the wrong conclusions, he will die ignorant and confused, and this pleases me.

In fiction, or the real world I guess, I am not satisfied when the villain gets offed suddenly, when defeat arrives from nowhere with no way to predict or prevent it isn't satisfying to me, I don't want suffering, I am not interested in watching people in physical pain, I want the villain to get a glimmer of understanding, to know, even vaguely, why they have lost before they are killed.

Presidential politics provides this for me, take Mitt Romney, the man isn't suffering, he is still a multi-millionaire and will probably live a longer and healthier than me, but, every night when he lays down to sleep, he gets to replay events in his head, he gets to hear himself say "Binders full of women" and "47%" over and over and again while wondering if things would be different if he had changed even one thing, and maybe, if we are very lucky, he might get a glimpse of the idea that he was wrong and deserves all this pain and more.

I don't think Trump has that level of self control, but I will take idiotic frustration instead and be almost as happy.

The best revenge is to live knowing your foe is punishing himself in ways you cannot even comprehend.

Then they die.

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