Thursday, September 15, 2016

This fucking guy

Went to the movies yesterday, saw The Mechanic: Resurrection, starring Jason Statham, I went basically because of Statham as the franchise appears to be a bog standard action movie with the protagonist being an assassin.

It was okay, by far the worst movie I have seen in theaters this year but the bar is pretty high so it shouldn't feel too bad on that count, the best part was Gary Oldman as an arms dealer, he played it kind of like I think Tony Stark would have turned out had he not grown a conscience and become Iron Man. I came out of the film wanting to see a movie about that guy, he seemed cool. Anyway, the film is a Netflix watch at best, but I wanted to get out of the house and that was what was playing.

There was a complete asshole in the seat next to me literally watching videos on his phone during the movie with the sound on, because I am an enormous coward I did not confront him and simply switched seats, but it confounded me, why even go to the movie if you aren't going to watch it? You could stay at home, or in a coffee shop or bar or something and stare at your phone, fuck you dude.

That's all I got tonight, oh, my cat knocked over my computer and now it has a crack in the screen, which blows but at least it still works and the crack is mostly ignore-able especially while playing WoW.

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