Friday, August 19, 2016

Too tired to write about politics. Post 500!

Long day at work and I am tired, been staring at the screen and the only thing that comes to mind is the word "balls". I know that any writing is better than no writing, but I refuse to type a couple hundred words of balls and call it a night.

Shit what happened today, well I guess I got my ear fixed, letting the drops they sent me home with last night sit seems to have softened the impacted gunk up enough that they were able to wash it out without a problem this morning, so for the first time in like a week I can hear clearly, and for the first time in a few days I am without (much) pain in my head. I say much because apparently I have a little bit of an ear infection now, which I have antibiotics for but there is a slight twinge now and again, my body reminding me that it can fuck me up at any moment so I better not get cocky.

It turns out both my ears had a bunch of crap in them, and now they don't. With that in mind I think I need to get my hearing tested because I am pretty sure my right side just doesn't hear that well.

This is adult life I guess, monitoring my failing organs.

My organs are gonna fail faster if I don't get out of food service, I need to stop standing on bare concrete for eight hours a day. I covet my friends jobs where they are allowed to sit down once in a while.
Some day, perhaps once I finish my book and suddenly become an in demand political commentator.

That'd be alright.

 *Edit, Aww heck I didn't even notice this is post five hundred! Woulda been three days ago if I hadn't had my little break earlier, but still not too shabby.

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