Sunday, August 7, 2016

Personal update: I can drive now.

Taking a break from our regularly scheduled programming to talk about me.

I got a drivers license the other day, and now at age 33 I have achieved one of the final milestones for adulthood.

Obviously being able to drive is convenient and I am doing it as much as possible now, however there is another reason. as well.

I'm kinda terrified by it.

Piloting a half ton of metal and plastic at speed while encountering hundreds of other people doing the exact same thing and I don't know or trust any of them and what if they fuck up and I die or good lord what if I fuck up and die, or kill someone, or wreck this car oh shit I it isn't my car Zena's mom is gonna kill me what the shit am I doing why.

So basically I am trying to break myself of that, yeah I got anxieties. shut up.

Anyway I suspect I might have had a different perspective if I'd gone through this whole process earlier, but for the longest time I didn't really need to transport myself anywhere regularly, and eventually that just sort of turned into an inertia of its own and I was a regular in the passenger seat of my friends cars when we went out to do things that were too late or outside of the bus routes. This might have contributed to my feeling of social isolation I've been having lately as well, hopefully I will get my ass out of the house more often.

Still sorta having fun though.

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