Friday, August 5, 2016

How did we get here? II: Electric Boogaloo

I am not sure I made myself clear in previous posts, I joke a lot and resort to hyperbole for reasons of humor, but I want to state, in all seriousness, that I hate these people.
I hate them more than anyone I know personally and as much as it is possible to hate someone you have never met, their ideologies and actions, both attempted and successful, put them all in the same category as mass murderers and cartoonishly evil dictators. These people at their best want to improve the lives of a very small segment of the population at the cost of all the others, and at their worst care nothing for anything other than their own power, they are the best arguments against American democracy it is possible to make and they deserve no forgiveness, if their is any justice in the world each of them will see their lives and plans come to ruin and die alone, knowing that they chose everything that brought them to that point.
I don't believe there is that much justice in the world though, and I must console myself with this particular parade of failure.

Today I will talk about the second entry into the race, and probably the candidate I hate the least out of this whole shitty clown car of evil. Rand, son of Ron, of the house of Paul.

The facts:

Position: Senator from Kentucky

Announcement Date: April 7, 2015

Withdrew: Feb 3, 2016

Accomplishments: One of the founders of the Senate Tea Party Caucus, big fan of filibusters.

Last time Daddy hugged him: He hasn't earned it yet.

Rand Paul is one of those Libertarians that doesn't hide the fact that they are basically Republicans, which I am sure disappoints his father to no end. Rand has been a big fan of, and has benefited from, the Tea Party movement since its inception, and is perhaps the most competent person to gain election from that wave of support. In his favor, Rand Paul opposes the Patriot Act and also supports the Civil Rights Act, and is one of the very few Republicans to have some degree of trust from the African American community.

To offset this he takes a firm stand on a mix of Tea Party conservative and Libertarian views, wanting to cut back government influence and taxes at all levels, eliminate any entitlement funding, ban abortion in all but the most severe medical situations, and is of course pro the Second Amendment.

His campaign was relatively smart, with tongue in cheek merchandise such as a broken hard drive labeled Hillary Clinton, and a fairly firm grasp of social media, he defended himself fairly well and eloquently stated his positions during the debates and showed a bit of competence that was sorely lacking in the various campaigns.

Of course there was one area where his incompetence was just as strong as all the others, that being Donald Trump. Where Paul used social media fairly effectively, Trump dominated on it, where he defended himself pretty well, Trump spoke pure insanity into the hearts of the base, overriding logical appeals. The Rand Paul campaign simply had no answer for Trump, and without being a bombastic type himself and honestly a guy who looks kind of like a nerd, he was easy for the voters to ignore. He dropped after the Iowa caucuses, having just slowly run out of money and support, and returned to Kentucky to focus on running for his Senate seat, which he had previously forced a rules change through to allow him to do so while running for president.

I mentioned a couple of times here how I think has dad doesn't love him or something, and I believe that is true, Ron Paul never endorsed, nor spoke in support of, Rand's campaign, and I think that Ron honestly thinks of Rand as a failure and something of a betrayer of Libertarian ideals, I suspect this campaign was in large part a way to get his dads attention, and in that it failed.

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