Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Dum de doo.

I've been playing WoW like, all day, the new expansion is pretty fun so far, I run around on my Shaman hitting dudes with the legendary artifact Doomhammer and the story is feeling a bit tighter than it usually does during the leveling process.

Anyway, I emerged from my gaming daze to find that it's late and I have nothing really to write about, so I am not going to try that hard tonight, sorry all.

Something to look forward to though, Donald Trump has decided to randomly visit Mexico to talk to that countries president, why? I have no idea! It can't possibly end well for him and I am pretty sure Mexico is like the worst possible place for him to visit right now, seeing as he hates them and I rather suspect the feeling is mutual at this point.

He isn't going with his usual press core though, so I don't know how much actual coverage we are going to see. I suspect there will be lies, tons of lies.

That's all I got, night everyone!

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