Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Venting about the Greens

Jill Stein is a butthole who should stop, and everyone who is supporting her are being goddamn smug assholes with no justification.

The Green party has no chance of winning unless they can get literally something like 90% of the Democratic voters to switch, which means they have literally no chance of winning because there is no circumstance where that is happening, at all, I mean Clinton could perform a late term abortion live on stage, eat the fetus, and then attend a Satanic mass and still get 30-45% of the vote.

The only realistic result the Greens could get is a larger turnout for their party this year, taking voters away from the Dems pretty much exclusively and giving us a Trump presidency, there is an argument that the establishment needs to be made aware that the two party system is increasingly unwelcome in today's world, they aren't wrong. But how many lives do we want to sacrifice to make that happen this election? Make no mistake that is what we are facing, that number could be anything up to literally every human being on the planet depending on Trump's mood when someone from China insults him or something.

This fucking third party or bust mindset is some of the most privileged bullshit I have ever seen out of people who I technically support. I will probably survive a Trump presidency with little change in my life, the same cannot be said for our Muslim, Black, and Hispanic communities, or the LGBTQ ones, or many of the poor, or Native Americans, or most women of any race.

The ideas he has espoused are directly harmful to those in our country who are the most vulnerable to abuse of power and people seem to think that if elected he will somehow decide not to continue being a racist asshole now that he has the biggest stick in the world to swing around at his enemies.

If Trump wins, the Republicans are likely to retain control of the House and Senate, which means there is little to no chance of the Democratic minority reigning him in, which means we are supposed to trust the elected Republicans, many of whom will be elected on a wave and owe their position to Donald Trump, to reign him in. This is idiotic in the extreme, when over the last decade and a half have you seen an organized effort by the GOP to support sanity or compromise, how many immoral and awful bills has Obama had to veto during his term? You really think Trump is going to veto a Muslim ban bill if it reaches his desk? You really think a government run by the same people who have done their level best to fuck anything positive up for the last eight years to even try reigning him in?

Your revolution would come by marching over the backs of every minority in this country, it would cause unimaginable suffering to millions, but that is okay with you I guess, you aren't going to personally suffer, and you are going to show those Washington fat cats that the American people must be listened to!

You disgust me, fuck that, and fuck you, you got at least half of Bernie's agenda put into the DNC platform or adopted by the Clinton campaign, you got a fairly large change to how Superdelegates are done via your own delegates arguing in the rules committee, by any standard, the left has won victories that we had thought impossible before Sanders' run, but anything other than total victory is a loss for you I guess. Ideological purity over everything.

You and the far right have more in common than you might think. Neither of you care about minorities or women, and anything other than total victory is unacceptable, shit.

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