Tuesday, July 26, 2016

DNC day one: Brief thoughts

Day one of the DNC was today, with an emergency chair replacing Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a wise move by the party as it would have been rough to operate at all given how the Sanders delegates acted for a good chunk of the evening.

The Bernouts defied Sanders request to, you know, not be dicks all evening and instead chose to follow a different tactic, specifically the one of being dicks all evening. It was dumb as hell but still better than the chaos at the start of the RNC last week.

Music and speeches were superior in every way to the RNC, so far at least, and the crowd is diverse as hell, comparatively anyway. There are more out trans delegates at the DNC than there were black delegates at the RNC, which I thought was neat.

Michelle Obama appears to have won the evening with a damn fine speech, I'd vote for her.

Anyway, if it seems like I am not going into tons of detail that is correct, the Democrats have always been the less trainwrecky of a party, or at least the less amusing to watch train wreck, and the convention is no exception aside from the Bernouts who make me angry sometimes.

Also I am tired, it has been a long day and I have an episode of Preacher I want to watch. So I am going to do that instead, goodnight.


Shade1983 said...

Bit of an aside, but what do you think of Preacher so far? I haven't checked it out yet, and I'm actually a little hesitant. I'm a little worried that Ennis's particular style might not translate so well into something I'd actually want to watch.

Panopticon said...

The season ends next week and I will do a big write up after that, but I like it, it breaks from the comic quite early so purists will not be fans, it is also a lot slower developing than the comic, slower than I would like really, but part of that is building the characters and I already know them from the comic.

It mostly retains the feel of the comic though, the humor is dark, the violence fairly extreme, the characters are cool and their situations pretty ridiculous. I hope it has been popular enough for renewal.

Also the Saint of Killers is basically in there unchanged, so that is cool