Monday, July 4, 2016

The 4th of July, and youthful indescretions.

I am burnt out from the weekend of working and once again don't have the energy to go in depth, instead in honor of the upcoming holiday, which as of this writing is technically today, I will share a story about one of my fourth of July experiences with you.

When I was, I think a sophomore, my friend Louis and I went to a party for the fourth, this was a block party in Sellwood, and was quite fun, we each ate like half a watermelon, and not one of those small watermelons either, and as high schoolers tend to do we became exuberant, then the sparklers were broken out.

After playing with a number of them in the standard fashion, we decided that the best way to scale up the excitement would be to place them sticking out of our hair like they were horns, then charge around as if we were going to gore people with our light up headgear.

All was well until a stranger started swatting my head vigorously, as you might have guessed things ended poorly, in this case Louis got to close to the back of my head with his horns, and had set my hair on fire inadvertently, I was fine, and didn't even lose much of my hair, though a portion of the back of my head was a little bit sparse for a few weeks as it grew back.

What I am trying to say is have a safe and happy Independence Day, the day when we scare the British away by setting all of our coastlines ablaze, thus preventing hostile landings.

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