Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Just a Trump thought.

I've been watching with interest the latest racist Tweet from the Trump campaign, well, their reaction to the Tweet anyhow, for those unaware, on Saturday the 2nd, the Trump Twitter account gave us the following:

A short time later it was taken down and a new version with the star mostly covered by a circle was put up instead, then a few hours later the whole thing was deleted entirely.

Now to be fair, this isn't the worst thing he has ever posted, and an argument can be made that he or whoever made the call to post it didn't realize the implications behind a six pointed star when it was initially put up. However that ignorance was quickly corrected, and their attempt at damage control with the edited version shows they knew quite well why people were upset.

Mind you, this should never have made it to the Trump Twitter in the first place, the image has its roots in some pretty racist corners of the internet, and probably came to the campaigns notice either through the Twitter account of the creator, who has since made his account private, or via a forum such as /pol/ well known for its incredibly racist community, the point is that at no point would you have encountered this image in a vacuum, it would have been in a context that made it quite clear it was intended to be offensive. Which then suggests that someone in the campaign makes a habit of browsing those sections of the web and thinks it is a good idea to mine them for material.

The current defense is stupid and poorly thought out, refusing to talk about the source of the image and saying the star is a regular old star, such as would be used on a Sheriff's badge. This has been met with skepticism from basically everyone and inspired a great deal of surprise about the number of sheriffs who met their end during WWII.

This is far from the first time Trump or someone with access to his Twitter account has posted stuff from a racist source, and by that I mean people with the literal user names of "WhiteGenocide" and the like.

It's just, the incompetence of the campaign continues to surprise me, any other organization would put out a half assed apology and fire an intern, but the Trump campaign just doubles down on everything. I've said it before that we are lucky the nutjob conservative wing of the country is so damn stupid about it, and Trump gives us evidence for that every day.

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