Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Sanders isn't going to steal the nomination guys.

Bernie Sanders endorsed Hillary Clinton yesterday, this apparently was surprising and alarming to a portion of the population, specifically the portion that knows literally nothing about politics.

The writing was on the wall once the California primary ended without a landslide victory for Sanders, what followed was some pretty clear signalling from his campaign that they were looking to mend fences a bit, and they put a lot of effort into it too, Sanders' got a fair amount out of the deal, with influence on the platform discussions with the DNC, as well as pulling Clinton to the left on such things as student debt and the minimum wage.

Hell if you receive campaign emails it was pretty clear he was dropping too, they stopped asking for money for him to run, and instead were asking people to donate so that they could fund down-ticket races and put real liberals into the House. This would not have been the case if the campaign was thinking it would continue past the convention.

The Green party suggesting that Sanders could join them was completely laughable and should have been regarded as such by anyone with a working brain.

Currently I see a lot of memes and posts from the Bernouts on Facebook talking about a convention fight where he beats Clinton in a contested convention and takes the nomination that way, folks, there is no gentle way to say it, that is a fucking stupid idea and won't happen even if Sanders wanted to, which he doesn't. The DNC is going to have an unmatched chance to portray itself as the adults in the room and have their convention be a crowning and not a battle, and with the RNC shaping up to be a dumpster fire that may engulf the city of Cleveland, and I mean that literally, people will be paying attention like they haven't ever before.

Sanders is a smart guy, he knows that if he goes third party, or significantly attempts to undermine the convention process, he will do nothing but cripple his own movement and in the worst case, throw the election to Trump, he also knows that as things stand now, he is getting a fair amount of what he wants with the influence he is getting through negotiating his endorsement of Clinton.

I get it guys, I really do, I felt the Berne myself, bought the shirt and everything, but he lost and has accepted it, you need to as well, are you pissed about the whole thing? You probably should be, Clinton fought a dirty campaign and her surrogates at least did their best to subvert the democratic process where they could, possibly even at her direction. Be mad about that, work to change it, sign petitions, complain on the internet, protest, vote the most liberal way you can in the down ticket races, but Sanders isn't gonna take the fight to the convention and that is okay. There will always be another election, assuming Trump doesn't win, and Sanders chance will come, okay not him specifically, but in 4-8 years Elizabeth Warren will probably run, and that is something to look forward to.

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