Thursday, July 14, 2016

I am sick.

I am sick, jury was out for a little bit on whether or not it was food poisoning, but I am pretty sure I just have the flu at this point. I felt it coming on at work last night, aching and sweating when I hadn't been exerting myself but I didn't think it meant anything, I got a ride home and thank goodness I did since the chills started up after that. When I get a fever I always have one good round of feeling so cold I literally shiver and have my teeth chatter comically when I attempt to talk, this lasts a couple hours and shifts, within seconds, to being super hot and sweaty, I generally prefer the cold but last night was real bad and the sweating was a relief, I could at least unclench a bit.

Of course, unclenching meant I had to deal with, to put it in Terry Pratchett terms, the "Dire-Rear". I will spare your delicate sensibilities and not give an in depth description but let's just say me and the toilet are closer than we have ever been, and also I don't think I can eat chili from 7/11 ever again, which is a shame because that stuff is actually pretty good for chili that comes out of a spigot.

Currently I am feeling pretty okay as long as I don't move much, if I do I get dizzy and then start sweating again.

I called in sick for the first time at my job because of it and I spent my morning wondering how I got through the day with my last round of illness. You may recall that was during my first week at the job and I lost my voice in addition to the classic flu symptoms of fever, lack of energy, and aching. When walking to the fridge seems an insurmountable obstacle, how the shit did I manage to make food for 4-8 hours a day?

I guess I was desperate to make sure I got the job, it worked, but I swore I'd not do it again and I feel pretty good about that decision as I sit here writing tonight. The unexpected day off also comes right before my regularly scheduled weekend, so I get a three day break which is cool, and I even might feel good enough to go out and do something by the time Friday rolls around!

I've been napping on and off all day, which is why I am awake at two AM when I am sick, but I think I am gonna try to sleep through the night now.

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