Tuesday, June 28, 2016

More on guns

The Supreme Court today voted that states can deny gun ownership rights to those convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence charges. This is pretty great as there is a fairly strong correlation between domestic violence and eventual murder by gun in abusive relationships so I don't have a problem with it there.

In fact, I have no problems with it at all, there may be a strong argument that laws like this weaken the 2nd Amendment and that this starts a slippery slope to restricting gun ownership rights for other people, to this I say: Yeah probably does.

As you might imagine I don't have a problem with that, and the idea that more people, maybe even one day all people, will be prevented from owning firearms warms my cold black heart. I don't give even the smallest shit about the sanctity of the 2nd, and neither should anyone who likes not having small bits of metal propelled through them at high speeds because they cut someone off in traffic. Which I suspect is virtually the entire population, minus a few sad souls who should find someone to talk to soon.

Humanity, and especially Americans, have conclusively proven that they are not to be trusted with firearms, the power of life and death over those around you is not one that we have shown we can use wisely, whether we are murdering black kids on the street, or leaving the device in question out so that our kids can accidentally kill each other, or simply getting involved in stupid hunting accidents, as a general population we have proven we can't handle them responsibly. This goes for everyone, even law enforcement, maybe even especially for law enforcement until they can get out of the mindset that their job is a war between the thin blue line and every civilian in the country.

Guns serve no purpose in modern society, we mostly don't need to hunt for food, we aren't plagued by marauding bands of Native Americans, or cattle rustlers, our pistols and assault rifles will not allow us to overthrow our government if we feel it has overstepped its powers, all they allow us to do is kill and maim each other more efficiently and in greater numbers than we have ever been able to do before.

And I know some of you reading this own guns, and you are probably responsible gun owners who lock their weapons up when not in use and follow all the proper rules of firearm safety and you probably don't fantasize about shooting a bla-criminal who breaks into your house at night, I don't care, suck it up.

The fact is, the reason so many criminals have guns is not because they just magically acquire them when they decide to become criminals, they have them because we make and sell so damn many guns that is it easy to get them, the civilian market is the only reason the guns are made, if there was no market, they wouldn't get constructed.

There are a shitload of guns still in circulation it is true, and for a while criminals will still have them, but gun buyback programs work pretty well, and every year more firearms will be turned in, seized as evidence, lost, or break down. This is a problem that can be solved and the only real solution is to stop making it profitable for manufacturers to make them, the only way to do that is to create an environment where there is no demand for them.

I know I've said it before, but I read a news story the other day about a six year old shooting a four year old and it set me off again, that kid will have to live with the fact that he killed another human being for the rest of his life, and the only reason that happened is because our fucked up society won't put the stupid guns away.

I hope more laws get passed restricting other aspects of society from gun ownership, let's ride that slippery slope all the way to the conclusion of nobody getting guns ever again.

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