Wednesday, June 29, 2016

A short personal update.

An easy day for once at work, here's hoping tomorrow goes as well and we move into my birthday weekend without being mad at something that happened at my job, this is probably unlikely as I have to work with a manager I am not a big fan of tomorrow, but we'll see!

Zena and I might be moving next week, we decided to start looking for places to live a couple days ago with the idea that it would probably take a deal of time before we found anything, and I located a pretty neat looking place on Craigslist last night, I arranged a visit today which Zena attended as I had to work, she is pickier than I am so if it passes muster with her then it is unlikely to be a problem for me.

It passed, so she put in an application and in one or two days we'll find out if we are accepted, if we are then we move next week, which is somewhat intimidating, but perhaps it is for the best that I don't have a lot of time to think about it. I hate moving so much, I hate everything about it, the packing, the unpacking, moving furniture, setting up utilities. Also writing large checks every month is not my jam. That said, I do like living in my own place, so it's a mixed bag.

Anyway, no other rants for me today, night.

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