Friday, June 24, 2016

A small thought on Brexit

It's two AM and I just got home, worked sucked tonight. Fortunately I got a ride from a coworker so I didn't have to pay a cab or Uber or something so that was alright.

I spent my evening watching news of Brexit in between customers and cleaning up ungodly amounts of cheese. I have to say I don't know enough about it to have a major opinion, having been focused on US politics as of late, which is an oversight I should go about correcting, but my general tendency has been to like the EU in theory and I was for the UK staying with it, although like I said, with very little knowledge to back it up, I think I just like the idea of a one world government perhaps.

Anyway, David Cameron resigned, which I approve of, so it can't be all bad at least, when I left work the talking heads were freaking out of the markets taking a dive, although by their live tracker they had started crawling back up as I was leaving so who knows what will end up happening, we could be facing a global recession, or nothing at all could happen.

It may be something that our various candidates try to run on, but I wonder if anyone will notice or care? Unless we get really shitty like with the housing crash, would the quality of life change for people like me? Unless companies start laying off workers in droves, a couple percentage points of dip in the stock market hurts me not at all.

Still something to keep an eye on, but the point is I think the consequences of Brexit are too abstract to make much of a difference to the average voter, time will tell I suppose.

That's it for tonight, I gotta be up in five hours.

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