Thursday, December 15, 2016

There's snow way I am driving

My day was amusing, I thought I had to open, so arrived at the store with the help of my father in law at around 8:30 this morning, there I find I had misread my schedule and actually started my shift at 4 pm.

Turns out to have worked out well though, my boss told me to start working anyway and my shift basically turned into "Logan is here until someone tells him to go home" because we had a lot of call outs and latecomers due to the weather, I was sent home at four and netted a couple more hours than I would have had if I had shown up at the correct time.

It was astoundingly busy, lots of deliveries, not only that but the deliveries were large ones, and we had one driver, combined with a butt ton of people wanting to eat in the store, which baffled me, the deliveries I understand because a lot of companies just didn't want to send their employees out to find lunch on the roads, so they ordered in. But the in house stuff means a crapload of people traveled specifically to Cascade Station, in the ice, for random shopping I just didn't get it, we got our asses kicked.

But hey, I survived and ended up being pretty well tipped, did a small amount of Christmas shopping on the way home, so it isn't all bad.

Except I am pretty sure my car is down, it turns on, and the engine responds to getting gas, but nothing translates into wheel movement, at first I thought it was the ice, since initially I stopped moving while driving up an incline covered in ice last night, but now I am leaning towards there being something wrong with the car not getting into gear. I'll deal with it tomorrow, today I am tired and going to bed.

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