Saturday, November 12, 2016

Stop telling people not to move you butts

I wasn't going to post today, I hadn't had the energy and didn't feel like there was anything I had to offer a discussion. But for assorted reasons I can't sleep so I got on Facebook and a number of friends shared some motivational posts and memes telling people not to move, as in out of the country, some even suggested that one should move to a red state and become a teacher to change things there instead.

Fucking what?

Okay, these friends are well meaning and the point of education defeating ignorance is fine, but you realize that a lot of people are talking about moving because they are afraid they might die right? I used a Germany analogy the other day, so let's go fantasy this time, "Oh shit there are fires coming out of Mordor and a gigantic freaky eyeball stares over my farm once in a while, also orcs stole all my pigs, I think I will move away."
"Naw man, it's all about education, you should go into Mordor and teach the orc children that there is another way, check your privilege."

Now I realize a lot of those thinking of leaving the country are indeed privileged, many are not of the groups that are likely to be specifically targeted under the new regime. But many are, and you are telling them that rather than be safe, they and their families should pack up, move into the middle of their enemies, then take a low paying and thankless job trying to teach their kids?
Like, okay if that is what you want to do then go you, we need more people like you, but to tell everyone that they are somehow failing in their duty if they don't seems like the height of arrogance to me.

Also, what exactly is so great about this country that people should stay here no matter what? I mean, this election proved that at least one quarter of the population, and almost half the voters, is either a bigot or an idiot, or both. Even before the election our people and leadership routinely performed unconscionable acts against vulnerable populations, or allowed private companies to do so. I mean, hell, we rely on group protest and community effort to do things that the government should be doing without a debate, such as the DAPL protest. That isn't fair, or even functional, it is surely not what a democracy should look like.
And now, as people are deciding that their country is too unsafe for them, or that it might not be their country anymore, we are supposed to tell them that no, stay, you can change it.

 Would you tell a person in an abusive relationship that? Would you tell someone that they shouldn't leave their partner because they might hurt more people without them? Then don't do it when someone makes a decision for themselves either.

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