Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Standing Rock and police response.

I haven't talked about the Dakota Access Pipeline and it's associated protest in this space before much outside of the occasional brief mention, I haven't felt I had much to ad to the discussion, but it's on my mind tonight so what the hell.

For those unaware for some reason, the DAPL is a way to move large amounts of a dying energy source from one location to another in a fashion that will endanger the most lives and water tables possible, the Standing Rock tribe and their allies object to this, particularly as the planned route takes it through tribal lands in violation of the treaty the USA basically forced on the tribe anyway.
Protests have been persistent and growing, as well as uniformly peaceful.

For their part the powers that be have reacted with the usual level of tact by deploying heavily armed riot police from something like twenty different jurisdictions in an effort to dissuade the protesters by making their lives as hellish as possible, with tactics up to and including using water cannons on civilians in below freezing conditions.

For some reason, no major politician seems to want to comment much on the events, save for Bernie Sanders who is not a fan, but Sanders has always had loyalties to interests outside the usual for a politician and has the freedom to do that. Clinton, Obama, and especially The Toddler, do not. Jill Stein is not a major politician, and her visit to the protest site amounted to nothing more than a poorly thought out photo op, the Green party has very little to respect on the national level and we should not start now.

I would tell anyone concerned with how the police treat civil unrest to look at Standing Rock as an example of how they will be employed under the new fascist regime, but let's be honest here, that would only surprise white people at this point, ask a member of virtually any minority group if they trust the police to use an appropriate level of violence against dissidents and you will realize what is happening there is nothing new.

The Toddler is the ultimate expression of everything the police have been fighting for over the last couple decades, he feels the use of due process is too limiting, and that there are a large number of undesirables who could use a good stomping, he is a huge friend to the police and if you don't think they know it then you haven't noticed the spate of assorted hate crimes since the man was "elected".

What I am saying is departments all across the country are watching, and they are going to be using this shit we are seeing every night in South Dakota as a training video once their man is officially in charge, it has been some time since the Police have been anything except a tool of oppression, systemically speaking they may have never been anything but, but the time is coming and soon when there won't even be a pretense anymore.

Fuck em, they are on the losing side of history, and their day is coming, oh yes.

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